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Linda Nunez

Certified Consultant


My Story

I had a co-worker who's friend sold Scentsy and I looked at a catalog one day and I loved everything in it but I could not afford all of it.  My friend said "Why don't you have a party you get free stuff depending on how much you sell."  And I thought about it for a few days, then I decided to do it.  My roommate and I had a party and we invited our family and a few friends and ended up seling like $400.00.  I thought this is so easy, so I asked what the benefits of joining were and I was amazed on how cheap it is to join.  It is only $99.00, as soon as she told me the price I logged online and joined.  I only started a few months ago and I do this part-tme and I have to say it is easy, fun and well worth my time.  I am make some extra money for my ultimate goal of buying my own home!!  If you are interested in joining or have a question on how it works feel free to contact me.Sincerely,Linda Garcia<!--endbody-->

What's warming in my home